Sapporo Black Label★Nakama
550 yen(Tax included)
The well-known name of Sapporo beer★
Sapporo Black Label★Nakama
550 yen(Tax included)
The well-known name of Sapporo beer★
black label on cup
¥ 330(Tax included)
Click here for mini size
black label on cup
¥ 330(Tax included)
Click here for mini size
Medium bottle Sapporo Lager Akaboshi★
715 yen(Tax included)
A beer for beer lovers★
Medium bottle Sapporo Lager Akaboshi★
715 yen(Tax included)
A beer for beer lovers★
Premium alcohol free
473 yen(Tax included)
Non-alcoholic but authentic★
Premium alcohol free
473 yen(Tax included)
Non-alcoholic but authentic★
Shochu Naka (drink the bottle or take it home)
Kinmiya Shochu Naka (90ml)
363 yen(Tax included)
Definitely delicious
Kinmiya Shochu Naka (90ml)
363 yen(Tax included)
Definitely delicious
Kinmiya Sharikin Naka (90ml)
418 yen(Tax included)
Freezing type
Kinmiya Sharikin Naka (90ml)
418 yen(Tax included)
Freezing type
kinmiya bottle
2420 yen(Tax included)
Drink it your favorite way: on the rocks, with water, or with soda.
kinmiya bottle
2420 yen(Tax included)
Drink it your favorite way: on the rocks, with water, or with soda.
Split wood
275 yen(Tax included)
Enjoy with your favorite flavor
275 yen(Tax included)
Enjoy with your favorite flavor
Shiso/Sudachi/Shikwasa/Green apple/
¥ 330(Tax included)
How are you feeling today?
Shiso/Sudachi/Shikwasa/Green apple/
¥ 330(Tax included)
How are you feeling today?
Oolong Tea
308 yen(Tax included)
classic taste
Oolong Tea
308 yen(Tax included)
classic taste
Green tea with Gyokuro/Kagabohojicha/Chiran Japanese black tea/Hokkaido corn tea
363 yen(Tax included)
For those of you who are health conscious
Green tea with Gyokuro/Kagabohojicha/Chiran Japanese black tea/Hokkaido corn tea
363 yen(Tax included)
For those of you who are health conscious
Hoppy (white/black)
385 yen(Tax included)
A downtown staple
Hoppy (white/black)
385 yen(Tax included)
A downtown staple
Hoppy set (white/black)
748 yen(Tax included)
A downtown staple
Hoppy set (white/black)
748 yen(Tax included)
A downtown staple
Dewar's Highball
462 yen(Tax included)
Rich aroma, well-balanced taste, and sharp aftertaste
Dewar's Highball
462 yen(Tax included)
Rich aroma, well-balanced taste, and sharp aftertaste
Horn High Ball
495 yen(Tax included)
Speaking of Japanese highball, this is the flavor.
Horn High Ball
495 yen(Tax included)
Speaking of Japanese highball, this is the flavor.
Dewar's Coke Highball/Dewar's Ginger Highball
605 yen(Tax included)
Dewar's goes well with cola and ginger ale.
Dewar's Coke Highball/Dewar's Ginger Highball
605 yen(Tax included)
Dewar's goes well with cola and ginger ale.
Kaku Coke Highball/Kaku Ginger Highball
638 yen(Tax included)
A refreshing sensation spreads in your mouth.
Kaku Coke Highball/Kaku Ginger Highball
638 yen(Tax included)
A refreshing sensation spreads in your mouth.
Hakushu Highball/Yamazaki Highball
990 yen(Tax included)
Premium highball
Hakushu Highball/Yamazaki Highball
990 yen(Tax included)
Premium highball
The famous Chinchirorin (Dewar's)
Double Number Free
0 Yen(Tax included)
Come try your luck
Double Number Free
0 Yen(Tax included)
Come try your luck
Even numbers: half price
231 yen(Tax included)
Now I can have another drink
Even numbers: half price
231 yen(Tax included)
Now I can have another drink
Odd numbers: double the amount and price
924 yen(Tax included)
Mega size
Odd numbers: double the amount and price
924 yen(Tax included)
Mega size
Fruit liquor (drink on the rocks, mixed with water, mixed with hot water, mixed with carbonated water)
Shirakaga plum wine
528 yen(Tax included)
Not only on the rocks but also with water or soda ◎
Shirakaga plum wine
528 yen(Tax included)
Not only on the rocks but also with water or soda ◎
Strained plum wine/strained peach/strained mandarin orange/strained pineapple/strained apple/child-rearing yogurt
550 yen(Tax included)
Delicious, coarsely grated fruit with pulp
Strained plum wine/strained peach/strained mandarin orange/strained pineapple/strained apple/child-rearing yogurt
550 yen(Tax included)
Delicious, coarsely grated fruit with pulp
Lemon sour (uses non-wax Setoda lemon★)
Shimanami lemon sour
605 yen(Tax included)
A luxurious paste made from Setouchi lemon!
Shimanami lemon sour
605 yen(Tax included)
A luxurious paste made from Setouchi lemon!
Shimanami lemon sour + salt
616 yen(Tax included)
The combination of salt and lemon is the perfect harmony
Shimanami lemon sour + salt
616 yen(Tax included)
The combination of salt and lemon is the perfect harmony
Shimanami Lemon Sour + Calpis/Shimanami Lemon Sour + Salt Calpis
638 yen(Tax included)
Calpis and refreshing
Shimanami Lemon Sour + Calpis/Shimanami Lemon Sour + Salt Calpis
638 yen(Tax included)
Calpis and refreshing
Usual lemon sour
528 yen(Tax included)
Luxurious use of Setouchi lemon! The refreshing feeling is different.
Usual lemon sour
528 yen(Tax included)
Luxurious use of Setouchi lemon! The refreshing feeling is different.
Usual lemon sour + salt
550 yen(Tax included)
For mineral supplementation
Usual lemon sour + salt
550 yen(Tax included)
For mineral supplementation
Usual Lemon Sour + Calpis / Usual Lemon Sour + Salt Calpis
605 yen(Tax included)
Refreshing taste
Usual Lemon Sour + Calpis / Usual Lemon Sour + Salt Calpis
605 yen(Tax included)
Refreshing taste
Various tea splits
Green tea mixed with Gyokuro
495 yen(Tax included)
A strong and mellow tea that goes perfectly with alcohol.
Green tea mixed with Gyokuro
495 yen(Tax included)
A strong and mellow tea that goes perfectly with alcohol.
Kaga stick roasted tea split
495 yen(Tax included)
Thoroughly roasted and finished with a light roast.
Kaga stick roasted tea split
495 yen(Tax included)
Thoroughly roasted and finished with a light roast.
Chiran Nippon black tea split
495 yen(Tax included)
Even though it is sugar-free, it is slightly sweet and easy to drink!
Chiran Nippon black tea split
495 yen(Tax included)
Even though it is sugar-free, it is slightly sweet and easy to drink!
Hokkaido corn tea break
495 yen(Tax included)
Sweetness and aroma go well with alcohol
Hokkaido corn tea break
495 yen(Tax included)
Sweetness and aroma go well with alcohol
Shochu (drinking style: rock, mixed with water, mixed with hot water, mixed with carbonated water)
Wheat Japanese wheat
550 yen(Tax included)
Fruity aroma and fresh taste
Wheat Japanese wheat
550 yen(Tax included)
Fruity aroma and fresh taste
Mugi Mugikan Jokeshima
550 yen(Tax included)
Its taste, which brings out the sweetness of the barley with an exquisite balance, can be enjoyed in any way you like, whether you drink it on the rocks, with hot water, or with water.
Mugi Mugikan Jokeshima
550 yen(Tax included)
Its taste, which brings out the sweetness of the barley with an exquisite balance, can be enjoyed in any way you like, whether you drink it on the rocks, with hot water, or with water.
Potato Tengu Sakura/Potato Karariimo
550 yen(Tax included)
Pleasant sweetness and pleasant sharpness.It's a drink you won't get tired of drinking.
Potato Tengu Sakura/Potato Karariimo
550 yen(Tax included)
Pleasant sweetness and pleasant sharpness.It's a drink you won't get tired of drinking.
Potato Angel's Temptation
¥ 770(Tax included)
The subtle sweetness and refined flavor that lingers are the characteristics of sweet potatoes.We have maximized the potential of potatoes through aging.
Potato Angel's Temptation
¥ 770(Tax included)
The subtle sweetness and refined flavor that lingers are the characteristics of sweet potatoes.We have maximized the potential of potatoes through aging.
Kachiwari wine (red/white)
528 yen(Tax included)
Add ice and chill it thoroughly.
Kachiwari wine (red/white)
528 yen(Tax included)
Add ice and chill it thoroughly.
Oolong High
440 yen(Tax included)
classic taste
Oolong High
440 yen(Tax included)
classic taste
Bali King
495 yen(Tax included)
Contains 3 types of extracts: ginger, ginseng, and Japanese pepper
Bali King
495 yen(Tax included)
Contains 3 types of extracts: ginger, ginseng, and Japanese pepper
Calpis shochu high or sour
528 yen(Tax included)
Japan's proud lactic acid bacteria drink
Calpis shochu high or sour
528 yen(Tax included)
Japan's proud lactic acid bacteria drink
white tomato sour
550 yen(Tax included)
Unusual white tomato sour! Refreshing and easy to drink
white tomato sour
550 yen(Tax included)
Unusual white tomato sour! Refreshing and easy to drink
White peach sangria (red/white)
605 yen(Tax included)
Fresh peach flavor
White peach sangria (red/white)
605 yen(Tax included)
Fresh peach flavor
White peach chiran black tea
605 yen(Tax included)
Subtle sweetness like peach tea
White peach chiran black tea
605 yen(Tax included)
Subtle sweetness like peach tea
Soft drink (hot available)
Oolong Tea
308 yen(Tax included)
iced or hot
Oolong Tea
308 yen(Tax included)
iced or hot
Calpis or Calpis soda
¥ 330(Tax included)
Japan's world-renowned lactic acid bacteria drink
Calpis or Calpis soda
¥ 330(Tax included)
Japan's world-renowned lactic acid bacteria drink
Green tea with gyokuro
363 yen(Tax included)
When you want to take a breather
Green tea with gyokuro
363 yen(Tax included)
When you want to take a breather
Kaga stick roasted green tea
363 yen(Tax included)
A fragrant roasted tea
Kaga stick roasted green tea
363 yen(Tax included)
A fragrant roasted tea
Chiran Nippon black tea
363 yen(Tax included)
Subtly sweet and gentle taste even though it is sugar-free
Chiran Nippon black tea
363 yen(Tax included)
Subtly sweet and gentle taste even though it is sugar-free
Hokkaido corn tea
363 yen(Tax included)
A flavor that brings out the natural sweetness of corn
Hokkaido corn tea
363 yen(Tax included)
A flavor that brings out the natural sweetness of corn
Coca Cola (bottle)
363 yen(Tax included)
nostalgic bottle cola
Coca Cola (bottle)
363 yen(Tax included)
nostalgic bottle cola
Ginger ale (bottle)
363 yen(Tax included)
Serve chilled with ice.
Ginger ale (bottle)
363 yen(Tax included)
Serve chilled with ice.
orange juice (bottle)
363 yen(Tax included)
Juicy and refreshing taste
orange juice (bottle)
363 yen(Tax included)
Juicy and refreshing taste
Sake (Would you like cold sake?)
Rice wine special pure rice Aomori
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A famous local sake made from Aomori Prefecture's Hanafubuki rice, which is suitable for sake brewing.It's dry but full-bodied, with a refreshing taste that you won't get tired of drinking.
Rice wine special pure rice Aomori
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A famous local sake made from Aomori Prefecture's Hanafubuki rice, which is suitable for sake brewing.It's dry but full-bodied, with a refreshing taste that you won't get tired of drinking.
Soutenden Special Junmai Miyagi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) With its crisp mouthfeel and elegant taste, this is a masterpiece that will leave you feeling extremely satisfied.
Soutenden Special Junmai Miyagi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) With its crisp mouthfeel and elegant taste, this is a masterpiece that will leave you feeling extremely satisfied.
AKABU Junmai Iwate
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) It has the flavor of pure rice sake, but has a fresh and cute impression.Although it is sweet, it is a well-balanced bottle that goes well with food, so it is recommended for sake beginners.
AKABU Junmai Iwate
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) It has the flavor of pure rice sake, but has a fresh and cute impression.Although it is sweet, it is a well-balanced bottle that goes well with food, so it is recommended for sake beginners.
Hakurakusei Junmai Ginjo Miyagi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) This bottle is the ultimate expression of the ``ultimate mealtime sake.''A faint fruit aroma spreads in the mouth, and a refreshing acidity reminiscent of citrus fruits creates a sharp taste.
Hakurakusei Junmai Ginjo Miyagi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) This bottle is the ultimate expression of the ``ultimate mealtime sake.''A faint fruit aroma spreads in the mouth, and a refreshing acidity reminiscent of citrus fruits creates a sharp taste.
Sharaku Junmaishu Fukushima
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) The taste is characterized by a fruity aroma, and the taste is a well-balanced flavor of rice that spreads in the mouth with a smooth and refreshing aftertaste. This is pure rice sake.
Sharaku Junmaishu Fukushima
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) The taste is characterized by a fruity aroma, and the taste is a well-balanced flavor of rice that spreads in the mouth with a smooth and refreshing aftertaste. This is pure rice sake.
Kito Junmaishu Wakayama
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) Keep the initial scent modest.A gentle flavor with a mild mouthfeel and a crisp, flowing aftertaste!
Kito Junmaishu Wakayama
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) Keep the initial scent modest.A gentle flavor with a mild mouthfeel and a crisp, flowing aftertaste!
Dassai 45 Yamaguchi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) ``If it's not delicious, it's meaningless'' Dassai's standard.Polished Yamada Nishiki to 45%.Delicate sweetness and gorgeous aroma derived from rice.
Dassai 45 Yamaguchi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) ``If it's not delicious, it's meaningless'' Dassai's standard.Polished Yamada Nishiki to 45%.Delicate sweetness and gorgeous aroma derived from rice.
Sake (hot sake tonight. This is a sake that goes well with hot sake.) Please order only one cup of hot sake.
Fukukomachi Spicy Akita
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A blend of several types of cold brewed Junmaishu that have been aged at low temperatures for over a year in a stone brewery to create a flavorful sake exclusively for hot sake.
Fukukomachi Spicy Akita
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A blend of several types of cold brewed Junmaishu that have been aged at low temperatures for over a year in a stone brewery to create a flavorful sake exclusively for hot sake.
Kenkonichi Special Junmai Miyagi
120cc glass 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) The subtle aroma, rice flavor, and clean aftertaste make this sake extremely popular, especially among restaurants.Its smooth, spicy flavor makes it a drink that you can keep drinking for a long time, and it is the second most popular drink in terms of refills.
Kenkonichi Special Junmai Miyagi
120cc glass 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) The subtle aroma, rice flavor, and clean aftertaste make this sake extremely popular, especially among restaurants.Its smooth, spicy flavor makes it a drink that you can keep drinking for a long time, and it is the second most popular drink in terms of refills.
Hidakami Junmai Miyagi
120cc glass 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A refreshing and light drink that you will never tire of.It goes great with seafood and charcoal grilled foods.
Hidakami Junmai Miyagi
120cc glass 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A refreshing and light drink that you will never tire of.It goes great with seafood and charcoal grilled foods.
Kamikimoto Junmai Yamagata
120cc glass 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A well-balanced sake that has the natural sweetness of rice while also having a solid, stable flavor.
Kamikimoto Junmai Yamagata
120cc glass 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) A well-balanced sake that has the natural sweetness of rice while also having a solid, stable flavor.
Akitora Junmai Yamadanishiki 80 Kochi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) Since we use a refreshing yeast, the taste is quite refreshing even for Junmai sake, but it has a strong body.
Akitora Junmai Yamadanishiki 80 Kochi
Glass 120cc 660 yen (tax included) / Tokkuri Shoichigo 990 yen (tax included) Since we use a refreshing yeast, the taste is quite refreshing even for Junmai sake, but it has a strong body.